These photos were taken at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 1. It has been snowing since about 7:00 a.m., and is not supposed to stop until around 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 2.
This photo was taken from my top step looking out the driveway.
The above photo is also from the top step looking across the yard. Notice the snowfall coming down!
This photo (above) is looking towards the back of the yard where you can see the snowfall pretty good.
I am standing in my driveway in the above photo, looking up the road and you can see that beyond the vehicle in the photo it is almost a "whiteout" effect from the snow.
I am a sports enthusiast and my photography allows me to be around a variety of sports from Little League up through high school sports.
I enjoy being around the young athletes. It keeps me feeling young, and the majority of kids I photograph love seeing their photos on the web.
Being able to do what I enjoy most, taking photographs, makes it a joy to get up every morning and looking to see what is on the schedule for that day. It doesn't get any better than that!!
My other passion is Strat-O-Matic baseball! Here you will find many of my Strat-O adventures posted!
Let us take care of your Senior Portraits needs. We offer the BEST PRICE and you don't get stuck with any unwanted photos from a package you were required to buy.
You create your own package, thus being in full control of the overall expense. All photos are placed in a PORTRAITS photo gallery and you can order your photos right on line.
Juniors - - Make your appointments now for next summer!
Give us a call at 207-947-6425 or email us at